Myket KB for Developers

Verification of in-app purchases on the server

To check in-app purchase to the Myket server and ensure their status and avoid intruder fraud, you need to connect to the Server via your server. You should call the following service:

[Header: X-Access-Token]{PAKCAGE_NAME}/purchases/products/{SKU_ID}/tokens/{TOKEN}


To use this service, you must get the X-Access-Token key from the Setting menu in your Myket Developer’s panel (Console) and set it as a header in your service. for example:

X-Access-Token: 650e0714-a4348-v475-a40-3f3ec5fcf001


The following parameters should be replaced with the appropriate values:
– The parameter {PACKAGE_NAME} is the same as the package name of your app. For example, com.supercell.clashofclans
– The parameter {SKU_ID} is the same as your in-app product id (SKU_ID). For example, GEM2
– The {TOKEN} parameter is your purchase Token. For example, 092181

If the operation is successful, the following information will be returned to you:
– The ‘purchaseState’ specifies the success of your purchase. 0 means successful purchase and 1 means an unsuccessful purchase.
– The ‘purchaseTime’ is an in-app purchase transaction time. This time is based on TimeStamp (see http://www.epochconverter.comfor information).

– The ‘kind’ specifies the purchase type, For example, androidpublisher#productPurchase
– The ‘developerPayload’ is a string that has been sent to Myket at the in-app purchase time.
– The ‘consumptionState’ is related to the product consume. By default, this field is 0 And will be 0 for non-consumable products (such as removing ads). And it is equal to 1 for consumable products (such as coins or diamonds), which indicates that the product has been consumed.

Sample Response
As an example, the output will be as follows:

"kind": "androidpublisher#productPurchase",
"purchaseTime": 1492839267000,
"developerPayload": "",
"purchaseState": 0,
"consumptionState": 1