استور اندرویدی مایکت : مرجع دانلود ایرانیان
آخرین بروزرسانی۱۳۹۹/۰۹/۱۵
تعداد دانلود۱۷ هزار
تعداد نظرات۲۴۵
حجم۹۱۹ مگابایت
فایل دیتانصب خودکار
نوع بازی اندرویدی
دسته‌بندی اکشن
INTRODUCTION The world of Animus is a broken place — splintered, unreliable, fatal. Humanity crushed between a clash for untold dominance between the Absolutes, disorder, pain, and death befell mortals. All anyone could do was await death, but even that was quickly snatched away from the frail hands of man. In the end, perpetual strife and madness pervaded. Dangerous shadows stalk the grounds of the ruins, waiting to pounce on any living being, to lay blame and judgement. It is a kind of Purgatory we [the players] are in. There is no hope here, but for the end. Oblivion (hinted in Ire - Blood Memory) is what we seek. The identity of the narrator in the introduction is ambiguous. The narrator knows of the aforementioned — the tragedy and sorrow to befall this frail world. She is removed... perhaps, reluctant. There is a sense of resignation, an understanding that an end to this version of the world is best. Here all possibilities and realms interlace, and, as you know... rot must be cut away. As the narrator awaits the end, perhaps she beckons us to bring forth that end. Animus is a high-end Action RPG that offers superb graphics, incredible sound and music, and responsive combat controls. Player level and equipment progression have been streamlined so that players can jump into the punishment. Hours of challenging and rewarding gameplay are guaranteed in this tense screen crusher. GAMEPLAY Animus places the gamer into the role of a solitary warrior who must fight his way through a dark and desolate world full of horrific monsters. The mythology-based hardcore action style transports the gamer into the realm of the game, and its namesake. Animus is very tactical in that it requires the learning and application of tactical skills to defeat enemies who would otherwise brutally punish any gamer expecting casual battles. Leveling, skill point placement, farming equipment and materials, as well as attack and defensive mechanics are crucial. Types and attributes of weapons, armor, and accessories are important. The Proficiency tree within the character status area should be utilized to advance further into the game. The amount of HP, amount of HP recovery, dodge time and distance, stamina control are some of the important stats to cover in that area. Players are rewarded for how they balance their equipment before a battle, and how they place skill points in their Proficiency tree. Preparedness will carry you far. The type and grade of drops get better upon progression and following playthroughs or at higher difficulty levels. Players will farm material and equipment. Much needed equipment drops (weapons, armor, accessories) occur in the sub-quests, which are indicated by blue flags. This is similar with the Rift (yellow flag) areas as well. However, Rift areas award players with Rift weapons, which are in most cases stronger weapons with dual attributes, comparable to other weapons of identical grades. TECHNICAL MISC. Implemented high quality graphics (high performance and optimization), sound (surround SFX, BGM), and player operability/combat to run smoothly on mobile devices. A word of caution: Device overheating will cause frame drops and key input lags. Battery eco/conservation settings or apps running in the background that use a lot of RAM will also affect gameplay in much the same way. This is the same for many games, and should by now be basic knowledge. Graphics - High polygon count (10k-12k per character/NPC. Count also depends automatically on device type/performance, or user options.) - Real-time shadows - Automatic and optional graphics optimization - Occlusion culling (level, prop, NPC) - Depth-of-field - Particle pooling - Bloom, post-filtering Audio (SFX/BGM) - 3d sound (direction, distance) - Move-sets, movement, material (Ex. On average, 70 individual SFX types per boss NPC. Different materials have different SFX. Factors for audio output tied to visual cues (telegraphing, attack, block, walk, and most active movement functions), continuous active player character SFX, environmental, particles, and ambient audio elements.) Under the Hood - All things Unity. (Unity3d, Ads, Analytics, Asset Store. If it's Unity we probably used it.)
INTRODUCTION The world of Animus is a broken place — splintered, unreliable, fatal. Humanity crushed between a clash for untold dominance between the Absolutes, disorder, pain, and death befell mortals. All anyone could do was await death, but even that was quickly snatched away from the frail hands of man. In the end, perpetual strife and madness pervaded. Dangerous shadows stalk the grounds of the ruins, waiting to pounce on any living being, to lay blame and judgement. It is a kind of Purgatory we [the players] are in. There is no hope here, but for the end. Oblivion (hinted in Ire - Blood Memory) is what we seek. The identity of the narrator in the introduction is ambiguous. The narrator knows of the aforementioned — the tragedy and sorrow to befall this frail world. She is removed... perhaps, reluctant. There is a sense of resignation, an understanding that an end to this version of the world is best. Here all possibilities and realms interlace, and, as you know... rot must be cut away. As the narrator awaits the end, perhaps she beckons us to bring forth that end. Animus is a high-end Action RPG that offers superb graphics, incredible sound and music, and responsive combat controls. Player level and equipment progression have been streamlined so that players can jump into the punishment. Hours of challenging and rewarding gameplay are guaranteed in this tense screen crusher. GAMEPLAY Animus places the gamer into the role of a solitary warrior who must fight his way through a dark and desolate world full of horrific monsters. The mythology-based hardcore action style transports the gamer into the realm of the game, and its namesake. Animus is very tactical in that it requires the learning and application of tactical skills to defeat enemies who would otherwise brutally punish any gamer expecting casual battles. Leveling, skill point placement, farming equipment and materials, as well as attack and defensive mechanics are crucial. Types and attributes of weapons, armor, and accessories are important. The Proficiency tree within the character status area should be utilized to advance further into the game. The amount of HP, amount of HP recovery, dodge time and distance, stamina control are some of the important stats to cover in that area. Players are rewarded for how they balance their equipment before a battle, and how they place skill points in their Proficiency tree. Preparedness will carry you far. The type and grade of drops get better upon progression and following playthroughs or at higher difficulty levels. Players will farm material and equipment. Much needed equipment drops (weapons, armor, accessories) occur in the sub-quests, which are indicated by blue flags. This is similar with the Rift (yellow flag) areas as well. However, Rift areas award players with Rift weapons, which are in most cases stronger weapons with dual attributes, comparable to other weapons of identical grades. TECHNICAL MISC. Implemented high quality graphics (high performance and optimization), sound (surround SFX, BGM), and player operability/combat to run smoothly on mobile devices. A word of caution: Device overheating will cause frame drops and key input lags. Battery eco/conservation settings or apps running in the background that use a lot of RAM will also affect gameplay in much the same way. This is the same for many games, and should by now be basic knowledge. Graphics - High polygon count (10k-12k per character/NPC. Count also depends automatically on device type/performance, or user options.) - Real-time shadows - Automatic and optional graphics optimization - Occlusion culling (level, prop, NPC) - Depth-of-field - Particle pooling - Bloom, post-filtering Audio (SFX/BGM) - 3d sound (direction, distance) - Move-sets, movement, material (Ex. On average, 70 individual SFX types per boss NPC. Different materials have different SFX. Factors for audio output tied to visual cues (telegraphing, attack, block, walk, and most active movement functions), continuous active player character SFX, environmental, particles, and ambient audio elements.) Under the Hood - All things Unity. (Unity3d, Ads, Analytics, Asset Store. If it's Unity we probably used it.)

نظرات و امتیاز ها

۲۴۵ نظر ۵ از ۵
عکس کاربر BYRON☢🗿
٢٧ خرداد ١٤٠٣

‏✓ مراحل زیاد ، اتک خوب ‌، قدرت های فراوان ، شمسیر های متنوع ‏✗ ضعف در کنترل صفحه بازی عالی هست و کسایی که میگن شبیه دارک سولز و الدن رینگ هست به اندازش سخت نیست و این کجا اونا کجا و توی اندروید جایگزین خوبی هست👍

میپسندم۱ نمیپسندم۲
عکس کاربر محمدرضا
٢٣ خرداد ١٤٠٣

‏✓ همه چی داره همه چی ‏✗ یکم سخت میشه قطعه برای سلاح جم کرد اقا من خیلی راضیم با نظراتی ک دادین اومدم ببینم چطوریه ولی بازی که کردم از هیجان یه روزه بیشتر از نصف مراحلشو اومدم 🤣🙌

میپسندم۱ نمیپسندم۱
عکس کاربر غلامرضا باختر
١٦ خرداد ١٤٠٣

سلام نظر من در باب این بازی عالیه و آفلاین هم هست و گرافیک و کاراکتر ها و زمینه بازی میتونه بهترم بشه🥲🥰❤️ در کل عالیه

میپسندم۲ نمیپسندم۰

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