Movie box is the fastest and easiest way to find and discover movies, actors and shows on your device. It includes The Movie Database (TMDb), IMDb, Metacritic, and Rotten Tomatoes ratings and reviews!
- Free and without any limitation
- Movie Ratings from all the major sites
- TV Show Ratings from all the major sites
- Quickly search movies using the following categories: Now Playing, Upcoming, Popular, Top-Rated
- Find detailed information about any movie/TV show, including Rotten Tomatoes ratings and reviews, cast, trailers, similar movies and more
- Search for any actor to see their bio, filmography, images and more
- Discover movies/TV shows by year or by genre
- Discover movies/TV shows by the name of actor, director, writer or other crew
- Watch movies/TV shows' trailers
- Save the information of movies/TV shows on your device under seen and favorite categories
- Advanced Search capabilities
- Backup and restore your personal database on your device
Movie box uses the TMDb API but is not endorsed or certified by TMDb:
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